So the anarchist thug Charles Gilmour has been sentenced to 16 months in jail for his part in the student fees riots, quite right too!
Whilst I accept that a mother’s love can be, and often is, blind I’m astounded that Polly Gilmour has described her son, on her Twitter site, as
“My poor gentle boy”, describing him as
“the kindest boy I know” and saying the sentence is
“entirely political”!Just to remind ourselves, this
“kind and gentle boy”, high on a mixture of Valium, LSD and whisky, swung off the Union Flag on the Cenotaph; hurled a bin at the royal cars; screamed “
Arson”, “Destroy” and urged his fellow rioters to
“storm Parliament”.If that’s how Polly Samson has brought her son up to behave, and believes that it makes him
“kind and gentle” then I despair, and why, if she’s so proud of him, did she bother to ‘scrub him up’ for court rather than let him appear in his riot gear?


Love might be blind but there is no excuse for it being stupid as well.