
It is inevitable that, having been a magistrate for so many years, this blog will contain a fair bit of comment on legal matters, including those cases which came before me in court. However, it is not restricted to such and may at times stray ‘off-topic’ and into whatever area interests me at the time.

All comments are moderated but sensible and relevant ones, even critical ones, are welcome; trolling and abuse is not and will be blocked.

Any actual case that was once involved in, and upon which I may comment, will be altered in such a way as to make it completely unidentifiable.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Atrocity in Norway

...for the Lord shall be thine
everlasting light, and the days
of thy mourning shall be ended.
Isaiah 60:20

Bang!..... Out of Order

I was gripped with a strange fascination reading the reports that an eight-year-old boy has been banned from playing his drums later than 10pm after neighbours complained to their local council of drumming into the small hours.

His father, recently fined £100 for breach of a restraining order, considers this restriction on his son’s nocturnal activities as, ‘bang out of order’!

I doubt this role model for his son intended it as a pun but shouldn’t an eight year old be in bed long before 10pm, in preparation for school, rather than taking lessons in advanced anti-social behaviour?

Saturday, 16 July 2011

A Grubby Little Tale.

Daniel Bird, desperate “not to sponge off the state” by remaining unemployed, put up posters around his home town of Kingston–upon-Hull advertising himself for work.
Thankfully his initiative was rewarded with a job offer within days and we all ought to commend him and wish him well, but not the Bürgermeisters of Hull who instead accused him of offences under, wait for it, The Anti-Social Behaviour Act, the Highways Act and of criminal damage (to what pray?), and imposed upon him a £75 fine!

My, the jobsworths of Hull certainly know how to deal with the criminal elements of their dirty little town don’t they?

None more so than their chief jobsworth, the Assistant Head of Service for Community Safety, (important or what?) who I’ll warrant has never had to go job seeking in his life, and who is reported to have said “The Council has an obligation to act to prevent unauthorised fly posting”.

The laws of libel prevent me saying what I think of people like that, and of their ingrained attitudes, but if I were Daniel Bird I’d shake the dust of Hull off my feet as soon as possible, that grubby little ‘end of the road’ place doesn’t deserve him.

An End to Squatting?

I’ve written about squatters before, see My Blood Boils, 2nd May 2011, so I was intrigued by the announcement by the Justice Minister, Crispin Blunt that squatting is to be made a criminal offence and that ‘squatter’s rights’, as if such a thing ever existed, are to be scrapped.

It remains to be seen if the police will actually enforce any such law and prosecute the offenders. Personally I’m not holding my breath seeing as they persistently refuse to uphold the current laws of criminal damage and theft, inherent in all cases of squatting (unless of course the squat happens to be on the route of a Royal wedding)!

Needless to say, the spokesman of the Squatters Action for Secure Homes group condemned any such law claiming it “would only serve the interests of property speculators”, ignoring completely the devastating effects illegal squatting has on the ordinary homeowner who returns from his or her weeks holiday to find their home occupied by a bunch of eastern European immigrants, the locks changed, their furniture and possessions ruined and facing a long and expensive process before they can regain possession of that which is rightfully theirs.

I sincerely hope that Crispin Blunt’s proposals do become law and that the police vigorously enforce it for the sooner this scourge is lifted the better.

Love is blind

So the anarchist thug Charles Gilmour has been sentenced to 16 months in jail for his part in the student fees riots, quite right too!

Whilst I accept that a mother’s love can be, and often is, blind I’m astounded that Polly Gilmour has described her son, on her Twitter site, as “My poor gentle boy”, describing him as “the kindest boy I know” and saying the sentence is “entirely political”!

Just to remind ourselves, this “kind and gentle boy”, high on a mixture of Valium, LSD and whisky, swung off the Union Flag on the Cenotaph; hurled a bin at the royal cars; screamed “Arson”, “Destroy” and urged his fellow rioters to “storm Parliament”.

If that’s how Polly Samson has brought her son up to behave, and believes that it makes him “kind and gentle” then I despair, and why, if she’s so proud of him, did she bother to ‘scrub him up’ for court rather than let him appear in his riot gear?



Love might be blind but there is no excuse for it being stupid as well.

Monday, 4 July 2011

I Should Live So Long 2

Is Ken Clarke for real?

First he’s all for letting criminals out of jail early, then for cutting their sentences in half, now he’s advocating bashing a burglar!
And not just bashing but using ‘whatever force is necessary’ including hitting them with a poker (hasn’t he heard, we don’t have pokers anymore – no open fires due to the Clean Air Act), or stabbing them with a kitchen knife!

He is reputed to have said, on the BBC, that if a householder does react in this way ‘he or she has not committed a criminal offence’ and that ‘nobody should prosecute and nobody should ever convict anybody who takes these steps’.

Well we’ll see how long it is before the police arrest another burgled householder and the Criminal Protection Society drag him or her before the courts while letting the burglar off with a caution.

Jail the burglar and commend the householder who bashed him?
I should live so long.