
It is inevitable that, having been a magistrate for so many years, this blog will contain a fair bit of comment on legal matters, including those cases which came before me in court. However, it is not restricted to such and may at times stray ‘off-topic’ and into whatever area interests me at the time.

All comments are moderated but sensible and relevant ones, even critical ones, are welcome; trolling and abuse is not and will be blocked.

Any actual case that was once involved in, and upon which I may comment, will be altered in such a way as to make it completely unidentifiable.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

The Germans and the Crown

It is reported today, Daily Telegraph and elsewhere, that a letter has recently been discovered written by the future Edward VIII saying that the royal family had "always silently prayed for" the death of his brother Prince John, who suffered from severe epilepsy and autism
The letter reveals that Edward considered his mentally disabled younger brother as "more of an animal than anything else" and that his death was "the greatest relief imaginable". 

John, the youngest child of King George V and Queen Mary and known as the Lost Prince because he was kept away from the public eye, was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of four and was confined for his entire life to a house on the Sandringham estate.
His condition worsened as he got older, although it was only revealed to the public after his death at the age of 13.
John had little contact with his family who wanted to keep John's condition a secret lest it be thought that the Royal blood was not as pure as was claimed.

The letter says a great deal about the attitude of this so-called royal family, actually no more than a collection of German immigrants foisted onto the British public in 1714 to avoid having a Catholic Monarch, there being more than fifty (Catholic) people with a greater claim to the throne than the Hanovarian George I.

Not that the Stuarts or the Tudors had any better claim than the current Germans to the throne, descended as they were from the usurper Henry VII, a Welsh upstart with an illegitimate ancestry.

The last true King of England, a Plantagenet and direct descendant of William the Conqueror, was of course the unfairly maligned, principally by Shakespeare to curry favour with the up-start Tudors, Richard III.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Michael Gove and the Courts

The blatant hypocrisy of Justice Secretary Michael Gove in calling the court system “dysfunctional” for failing society’s poorest, and favouring rich defendants who can afford the best lawyers, takes some beating. 

This is a man, a Minister of the last Government, who acquiesced in the virtual abolition of Legal Aid, and who is now personally instigating a further 8.75% cut in what little remains of legal aid funding. 

These are moves guaranteed to create the ‘two nation’ justice system Mr Gove now derides and in doing so he fails to take responsibility for his own actions, and for those of a Government of which he was a part, but instead blames the courts!

He, as a member of the last Government, must also take responsibility for the introduction of the tax on conviction, otherwise known as the Criminal Court Charge.
This imposes upon those convicted a further financial burden to add to fine, surcharge (another stealth tax) and court costs of not less than £150 and as much as £1200, amounts which the courts have no discretion in applying and which are not means tested and so hit the poorest members of society hardest.

If the justice system is ‘creaking and outdated’ and ‘failing society’s poorest’ who’s fault is that?

Mr Gove’s attempts to pass responsibility for his department’s failings onto the courts is Orwellian in its dichotomy as he appears to hold two conflicting opinions; that on the one hand he is right to cut legal aid and impose a non-means tested tax on conviction and on the other to blame someone else for failing society’s poorest, and believe both opinions to be true.
Orwell called it ‘double think’, something it would appear Mr Gove is adept at.  

Duwayne Brooks and Censorship

It’s been reported in the national press that Duwayne Brooks, the best friend of the late Stephen Lawrence, has accused Scotland Yard of breaking a pledge to hand over all material officers have collected on him since the 1993 racist killing of Stephen and are still hiding details of an alleged spying mission against those close to the murdered teenager.

Mr Brooks received three pages of ­intelligence reports from the Metropolitan Police. but they were so heavily redacted, which is clever-clever speak for censored, such that only four sentences were visible despite, as Mr Brooks says, “The ­Commissioner (of the Metropolitan Police) promised they would be open and transparent and said they would provide copies of documents held on me. Instead they sent me this stuff which is a waste of time.”

A Metropolitan Police spokesman is reported as saying: “We made an undertaking to disclose material held on Mr Brooks to his solicitor. As explained, it was redacted to protect ­sensitive information.”

Whatever the ‘sensitive information’ is I have no idea but the impression given by this failure to be ‘open and ­transparent’ in the disclosure of information can do nothing but reinforce the view that the police have something to hide.

In  June 2013 on the Channel 4 TV program ‘Dispatches’,  Peter Francis, who was said to be a member of the Met’s  Special Demonstration Squad, claimed that as no ‘dirt’ could be found on the Stephen Lawrence family the SDS should instead attempt to ‘smear’ Mr Brooks. 

The Herne Report, (Operation Herne, Operation Trinity, report 2) itself also ‘redacted’ and compiled on a ‘neither confirm or deny basis’ by the Chief Constable of Derbyshire Police, found that there was no evidence to support the allegation made by Peter Francis that he had been tasked to smear Mr Brooks, in which case why the need to censor so heavily the documents supplied to him?

In the Macpherson Report, Sir William Macpherson, said “seeking to achieve trust and confidence through a demonstration of fairness will not in itself be sufficient. It must be accompanied by a vigorous pursuit of openness and accountability.”

Goodness knows the Metropolitan Police did enough wrong in the Stephen Lawrence case without now adding to their ruined reputation by censoring material to the point where it is, as Mr Brooks says, “a waste of time”.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Sacred Mountains and Earthquakes

While it might well not be the done thing in Malaysia to get your kit off on a mountain top but do the good people of Malaysia really believe that doing so causes earthquakes?

God and the Medical Profession

A teenage cancer sufferer is told by doctors at a Nottingham hospital that her cancer is in remission. Feeling ill she looks up her symptoms on the Internet, on an American government endorsed web site no less, but instead of having her fears and concerns taken seriously she is told to 'stop Googling your symptoms', and sent home to die.

I'm sure the girl's parents will be much comforted to know that, in the words of the Trust's Medical Director, Stephen Fowlie, 'the Trust's communication with the family fell short'.

At least David Cameron only thinks he's God, the doctors of the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust know they are.

IS Brides

I'm afraid I can't join in the collective hang-wringing over the three teenage girls, and now the three adult sisters and their brood who have, it would seem, gone to Syria to join the murderous cult that is Islamic State.

The 'devastated'  husbands appear on television and the newspapers call it a tragedy and call for the police, the Home Office, the EU and uncle Tom Cobley to 'do something'!  Well no it isn't a tragedy and it's of no-one's concern except for those involved!

If grown women want to live in a rat's nest like Syria, and if teenage girls want to be passed around a group of Kalashnikov-totting murderers like so many cigarettes then let them, it's quite simply not our concern. They are all old enough to make up their own minds and go to hell in their own way of choosing.

But of course it's always someone else's fault!
It's never the parents or other family members who allow this so-called radicalisation to occur; never the Mosques and religious teachers who for so long have perpetrated the idea that Muslims are somehow above British society, who have for years resisted all attempts at integration but instead have fostered the ghetto mentality, aided and abetted it must be said by the political elite and it's liberal mantra of multi-culterism, where any criticism of Muslims and their alien ways are condemned as racist.

So the chickens are now coming home to roost and the Muslim community have no-one to blame but themselves.


The Immigrant Crisis

The flood of migrants from North Africa is now clearly out of control. Over 102,000 have crossed from North Africa to Europe this year alone, with an estimated half a million last year, all making for what they see as the flesh pots of Germany and the UK.
Significantly, few seem to want to stop in the economic basket-cases of Greece, Spain and Italy, and all France does is shuffle them on to Calais in the hope that they will manage to smuggle themselves across the channel.

It simply cannot go on, but what does hug-a-hoodie, call-me-Dave and he wants to be quite clear about this Cameron do? He sends in the Royal Navy to scoop them out of the sea and transport them safely to Italy! He acts like Thomas Cooks, it's a wonder he doesn't put up ads in the Libyan ports -'want to get to Europe, ask the Royal Navy, they'll see you safely there'.

You couldn't make it up.

Why oh why aren't we, the Italians, and everyone else involved in this so-called 'rescue mission' both barring their crossing of the Mediterranean and transporting those it does catch straight back to Africa?

These people aren't 'refugees' fleeing some mythical persecution, they simply don't want to live in a cess-pit like Syria, Ethiopia, the Sudan or Eritrea when they can get £75.52 a week, and an extra £53 a week for each child, with free housing thrown in, all courtesy of mine and yours  income tax, and thank you call-me-Dave.

Remember him? He's the guy who was going to cut immigration to 10,000 a year and instead presided over half a million immigrants during the course of the last Parliament, and he's still at it!

How he managed to con the electorate into giving him another five years to continue his wreaking spree is beyond my comprehension.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


 I don't share the righteous indignation of the Daily Mail et all regarding the Family Court Magistrate who, it is reported, has been sent for 'equality training' after supposedly making adverse comments regarding same-sex parents adopting a child while adjudicating on that adoption.
Nor do I accept that this is an attack on freedom of speech or Christian values, as some Christian groups, including Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester have claimed, it is simply discriminatory prejudice and as such has no place on the bench. Whatever your personal feelings and beliefs if you can't leave them at home then you have no business being in a courtroom.
What you can't do, as the former Bishop says you once could (you couldn't - ever) is to allow the teaching of the Book of Common Prayer to be taken into account in reaching a legal decision.

Incidentally, to those fixated on the mistaken idea that this is some form of attack on the Christian faith, nor can the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita form part of the reaching of a judicial decision, it's the law, just the law and only the law that counts.

I've been a Magistrate for over 24 years, including 10 years as a Family Court chairman, and over that time I've been faced with many laws; rules; guidance etc which I personally do not agree with but my job is not to make, bend or twist the law, it is to enforce it whether I like it or not, and that includes the Equality Act which this particular Magistrate seems to have problems with.

On the, thankfully, few occasions when I've been faced with a situation in court that I felt unable to deal with on the evidence alone, without any personal motivation, then I've announced the same in open court and recused myself, despite that causing in one case the collapse of a trial, with all the attendant difficulties for both court staff and those in appearing before the court. It is the only right and proper course of action, and the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice are quite right in saying that this Magistrate should have done just that.

The Judicial Oath is worth repeating, I'll use the old form as that's what I took:
To do right by all manner of folk, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Party Invites, at you peril

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the story currently bouncing around the Internet about a mother who sent an invoice for a claimed 'no show' fee when an invited child failed to attend her five year old's birthday party.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of this farrago are one thing is certain, when the child reaches six he's likely to have very few attending that party, something that in her righteous indignation the mother seems to have overlooked. As for persuing a claim in the small claims court - who is she going to sue, the five year old?
Give me strength.

Friday, 9 January 2015