It’s hardly surprising that Daniel Chrapkowski, 24, raised his arms aloft with delight after getting a 12-month suspended prison sentence at Manchester Crown Court on the 18th January for committing Grievous Bodily Harm against Joseph O'Reilly.
Even given the other elements of his sentence, an electronically monitored curfew and the requirement to carry out 160 hours of un-paid work, he must have thought he’d got off lightly.
It’s always dangerous to comment on sentences handed down by other courts without having had the benefit of hearing all the circumstances, not that this prevents the tabloids doing just that, although they seem to have taken as much umbrage at his being tattooed as to what he did.
What this story does, however, make very clear, is just how much prison is feared by criminals, and the extent they will go to avoid it. ‘Prison works’ as Michael Howard famously never said, although it’s what he meant and what Home Secretary Theresa May did say to the Home Affairs Select Committee.
In any case, it’s as true now as it ever was, the tragedy is we have in Ken Clarke a Justice Secretary in denial and who believes the opposite to be true.
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