I couldn’t agree more with the Home Secretary, Theresa May, that the place for terrorists is in a prison cell and the place for foreign terrorists, such as the Muslim hate cleric Abu Qatada is a foreign prison cell.

The ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, which prevented the UK deporting this man, described by the Home Office as ‘dangerous’ and ‘a real threat to our security’ because he might not get a fair trial in his native Jordan, where he is wanted for terrorist activities, is truly perverse.
The European Convention on Human Rights was never intended to apply to those countries, such as Jordan, who were not signatories to the convention, it’s not called the European Convention by accident, and to extend its provisions to any country anywhere in the world is a gross distortion of the intentions of the original architects of the convention.
http://amiducour.blogspot.com/2011/03/human-rights-and-that-act.htmlOn a separate matter, why aren’t those preachers of hate and violence who hold a British passport indicted for treason?
“If a man do levy war against our lord the King in his realm, or be adherent to the King’s enemies in his realm, giving to them aid and comfort in the realm, or elsewhere" he shall be guilty of High Treason.
Given that the mujahideen and al-Qaeda are self-admitted enemies of the United Kingdom, in the UK and elsewhere, and that these hate preachers consistently give them aid and support, it seems to me that there is a case of High Treason for them to answer.
If not High Treason what about Misprision of Treason?
It's little used but by statute, the offence of Misprision of Treason under the Common Law of England is still on the statute books and carrys life imprisonment on conviction. The crime is committed where a person knows that treason is being planned or committed and does not report it as soon as he can to a justice of the peace or other authority. The offender does not need to consent to the treason; mere knowledge is enough.
It's little used but by statute, the offence of Misprision of Treason under the Common Law of England is still on the statute books and carrys life imprisonment on conviction. The crime is committed where a person knows that treason is being planned or committed and does not report it as soon as he can to a justice of the peace or other authority. The offender does not need to consent to the treason; mere knowledge is enough.
Come on Police, CPS et al, do what any right thinking person would do and put these preachers of hate, bigotory and violence behind bars, for the rest of their lives.
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