
It is inevitable that, having been a magistrate for so many years, this blog will contain a fair bit of comment on legal matters, including those cases which came before me in court. However, it is not restricted to such and may at times stray ‘off-topic’ and into whatever area interests me at the time.

All comments are moderated but sensible and relevant ones, even critical ones, are welcome; trolling and abuse is not and will be blocked.

Any actual case that was once involved in, and upon which I may comment, will be altered in such a way as to make it completely unidentifiable.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

An Interesting Day

Busy day in court today – remands; early first hearings; committals to Crown Court; a bit of sentencing, this is what the Magistrates’ Court should be rather than the rigid ‘matrix’ it’s become of late with road traffic cases on Wednesday, domestic violence on Thursday and trials on Friday, to the exclusion of everything else.

Time was, and my age is showing now, all days were like today, solicitors in-and-out, prisoners up-and-down and never knowing what would crop up next.

Days like today keep you on your toes and test your competence and knowledge in a variety of ways, very satisfying all round.

We managed to upset a couple of solicitors along the way, not least by being more conversant than they with the law on one particular issue, that of R vs Povey, the benchmark case governing possession of an offensive weapon, but I won’t lose any sleep on that account.

Far too often solicitors, or at least some of them, treat us, the Magistrates, as being ignorant of the law and malleable to whatever they say. Time was of course when Magistrates were actively discouraged from even thinking about what the law actually said, or meant, that was for the Legal Advisor to determine, but times change!

Nowadays, more and more we are directed by the higher courts, and by the Sentencing Council, to be aware of the Law and to apply it, taking advice when unsure, and some solicitors seem to be finding it hard to come to terms with this new reality.

Nowhere is this more evident than in Case Management Hearings when trials are timetabled, witness lists agreed and the issues to be tried are agreed.
Whereas, this was once the private preserve of the Clerk and the advocates, now, on the direction of the Lord Chief Justice no less, it is for the bench to examine the issues and to question the advocates on the strength of their respective cases and the need for witnesses to attend and solicitors, in my experience, do not on the whole take kindly to being cross-examined by ‘mere’ Magistrates, especially those with a working knowledge of the Criminal Procedure Rules (shock horror – a Beak who knows what he’s doing).

The caveat to this is, of course, that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing and one must be very sure of one’s ground before arguing the toss with someone who has spent his or her working life immersed in the vagaries of English Law, and this is where the Legal Advisor comes into his or her own. When in doubt is the time to take advice, best done before one puts one’s foot in it.

One issue did come to the fore today, which gives me some concern. In two of the cases, and there was a similar one before me last week, it was clear that a previous bench had failed, somewhat spectacularly, to assess the seriousness of a case by reference to the Sentencing Guidelines. Such carelessness, and it can be nothing else, places the sentencing bench in an invidious position.
If the previous assessment is too low the defendant and his solicitor feels hard-done-by when sent to the Crown Court after a previous bench had determined that it fell within their powers to sentence.
Perhaps worse, and such a case occurred today, was when the assessment of seriousness had clearly been set far too high and had been sent to the Crown Court who promptly sent it back, instructing us to deal with it ourselves.

In each case a careful study of the guidelines, and a word with the Legal Advisor, would have prevented a situation which reflects badly upon the overall competence of the Lay Bench and does nothing to inspire confidence in its decisions.

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