The whole issue of global warming is fixated on CO2 emissions, that CO2 is solely responsible for global warming. Assuming that there is any truth in that hypothesis let's consider CO2 as part of the overall atmosphere.
Imagine the atmosphere as a football field and you are stood on the far touch line. You start walking down the field and you are in Nitrogen, penalty spot - still Nitrogen, penalty circle, Nitrogen again. Half-way line, still Nitrogen. Opposing penalty circle, yes it's still Nitrogen. Penalty box - wow! at last, Oxygen. Goal keepers box, still Oxygen. Touch line, 4 inches wide comprises the Noble Gases: Argon, Krypton, Neon, Helium, Radon, Zenon etc and some water vapour. Place an old penny on the far edge of the touchline - that's carbon dioxide!
Or put it another way, CO2 accounts for just
0.04% of the earth's atmosphere while there is one hundred times more water vapour in the
atmosphere, which is also responsible for global warming.
While we have no way to control water vapour we can control CO2 hence the fixation on its reduction, but is there another cause of global warming? Is it a natural factor of the earth's evolution?
We know from archaeological and written records that in AD100, or 1900 years ago, it was warm enough for the Romans to cultivate grape vines in Northumberland along Hadrian's Wall.
1400 years later, in Tudor times, the climate was so cold the river Thames froze so thick that it was possible to hold 'frost fairs' on the ice with bonfires that were unable to melt the ice it was so thick.
500 years later and the cycle has turned, the temperature of the earth has been warming up for generations and if history tells us anything it is that this cycle of global warming will continue for the next 1000 years, until once again grapes can be grown in Northumberland. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat its mistakes.
The fixation with CO2 stems from the certain knowledge that there is nothing we can do to halt the inexorable warming that will, in time, render parts of the world uninhabitable and that mass famine will result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.
But no government can admit that and must be seen to be 'doing something about it', and CO2 emission is the one and only thing that is within our control, and we are conditioned to believe that everything is within our control.
We have lost the Medieval concept of 'God's Will', that certain events are beyond our control. In our 20th century arrogance we have become God and so can control the earth; it is a supreme arrogance that leads us down a road to ultimate failure and disappointment.
In time we will, because of the world-wide fixation on reducing CO2 emissions, be 'successful'.
CO2 will be reduced, but the earth will continue
on its cycle of evolution and get hotter and hotter, and one can only speculate
what other factor the green lobby and
its acolytes will then blame. Few now have the courage to speak out against the
received wisdom for fear of being dubbed a 'climate denier' and becoming a
modern-day Cassandra, a
prophet destined never to be believed.
A few, and they are a very small few, are
now beginning to speak out against the rush towards so-called 'nett zero' and
who say that the cost to the UK economy alone will be 15 trillion pounds,
that's 15 million, million, million pounds.
It is
estimated that nett zero, if it is ever achieved, will result in a reduction in
global temperature of two-thousands of a degree, or 0.2%! A figure so small as
to be meaningless.
One thing is certain, man's over-riding arrogance will prevent him from accepting that warming is part of the natural evolution of the planet, which means no steps will be taken, until it is too late, to develop strategies to cope with the 'new normal'.
It is argued that the immense world-wide cost of 'nett zero' should be spent instead on the development of drought and heat resistant varieties of crops, the construction of huge reservoirs to hold water and the managed retreat from low-lying land which will be lost through rising sea levels, adapting our environment to the reality of climate change.
Instead we will adopt the same method as the Dutch boy and stick our finger in the hole in the dyke and pray that someone will fix the leak before the dyke, and our world, comes crashing down about us.
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