
It is inevitable that, having been a magistrate for so many years, this blog will contain a fair bit of comment on legal matters, including those cases which came before me in court. However, it is not restricted to such and may at times stray ‘off-topic’ and into whatever area interests me at the time.

All comments are moderated but sensible and relevant ones, even critical ones, are welcome; trolling and abuse is not and will be blocked.

Any actual case that was once involved in, and upon which I may comment, will be altered in such a way as to make it completely unidentifiable.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Cold Calling

I'm sick and tired of being called at all times of the day and night by telephone sales persons, almost always based in some foreign land who 'aren't selling anything' but nevertheless want to know everything from my sock size to who supplies me with gas and/or electricity.

The latest is the official-sounding British Development Board and their salesperson Kelly.

This is a spurious organisation who exist to gather information about you and sell it on to other firms, so they can 'target' you with even more cold-calling.

For an hilarious response to such calls watch this on You Tube.

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