This is the banner of Saint George, the English flag, the foundation of the Union Flag, the basis of the Royal Navy's ensign, the flag of the Church of England and the banner of the land of birth of Eleanor Jackson, the (predicably) labour councillor on Radstock Town Council who persuaded her colleagues that to fly their country's flag would offend the town's 16 Muslims!
This is the banner behind which the English triumphed at Agincourt, that flew over Nelson's fleet at Trafalgar and to which Eleanor Jackson owes the very freedom she enjoys to critise it.
This dysfunctional set of politically correct councillors, led by their labour party leader Lesley Mansell, have banned the use of this flag for 20 years, despite the Muslim Council of Britain actually encouraging the use of the St George's cross as a symbol of inclusivity, something the petty bourgeoisies of Radstock seem unable to comprehend.
If I lived in Radstock I'd have the largest English flag I could find flying from my rooftop, and no doubt the blinkered intolerant councillors there would throw every petty regulation they could find at me - and I'd see them damned!
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